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Auto Insurance Companies

How To Find The Lowest Online Car Insurance Rates

There are many different ways to go about finding the lowest online car insurance rate. Nowadays you can get a quick online quote from almost any car insurance company. Price comparisons ensure that you are getting the best quote for your particular situation. In some instances you can be covered and receive your temporary proof […]

Speeding Tickets And How They Affect Finding A Cheap Auto Insurance Rate

What kind of an effect can getting a speeding ticket have on your car insurance rates? Is it still possible to find a cheap auto insurance rate even after getting a speeding ticket (or tickets)? Just imagine that it’s the perfect day outside, no clouds in the sky and the sun is out. All of […]

Your Car Model And How It Affects Finding A Cheap Auto Insurance Rate

Your car model may play a bigger role than you realize in your search for cheap auto insurance. There are so many things one has to think about when purchasing car insurance. You will need to know the type of coverage you want, who will be included on the policy, and also what type of […]

Your Occupation And How It Affects Finding A Cheap Auto Insurance Rate

Insurance companies have found a statistical relationship between your auto insurance risk and your occupation. According to’s 2006 Occupation Report; scientists, pilots/navigators and actors/performers/artists pay the lowest auto insurance rates of any of the occupations reported. Attorneys/lawyers/judges, executives and business owners, however, paid the highest auto insurance rates of all of the occupations reported. […]

Your Credit Score And How It Affects Finding A Cheap Auto Insurance Rate

Using credit scores to determine auto insurance rates is standard practice for most car insurance companies. While credit scores and auto insurance don’t seem to have a correlation, insurance companies have found that those individuals who have bad credit scores are more likely to file an auto insurance claim, while those who have a good […]

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