Car insurance is something everyone that is involved in driving has to pay in order to be covered for serious accidents or other related events. Although many states have different laws about automobile insurance, they all agree that it is necessary for EVERY citizen driving a motor vehicle to have an auto insurance policy with […]
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What To Do After A Car Accident
Car accidents are becoming more and more common in America simply because automobile use has increased over the last 5-10 years. Society now sees having a car or some means of transportation as a need and because of this need statistics show that car accidents have increased substantially. Car Accident Statistics Even if you are […]
Minimum Auto Insurance Coverage Requirements
Auto insurance is regulated at the state level and such the auto insurance minimum coverage requirements differ from state to state. Although there are differences in the amount of coverage that each state requires, there is one thing is pretty much the same across the board: almost every state requires its drivers to have auto […]
The Consequences Of Not Having Auto Insurance
Adults, Teenagers, Women and Men, this article can apply to any American that is driving the roads of this magnificent country without car insurance. Although going without auto insurance can save some money in the short term and reduce the stress of having to come up with hundreds of dollars to pay a monthly premium, […]
How To File An Auto Insurance Claim
Filing an auto insurance claim can be a somewhat troublesome and stressful process if one does not know the proper claim filing procedures. Accidents are inevitable – even the safest driver can find themselves having to call their auto insurance provider when the unfortunate happens. If you find yourself needing to file a claim there […]
Rental Car Insurance: Is It Necesary?
You’re at the rental car counter and the agent recommends purchasing rental car insurance. Should you purchase the add on rental car insurance? It depends. Under certain circumstances you might need to. But, before you blindly sign your name to extra fees lets look at what types of rental car insurance are offered and why […]
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